Wednesday, September 17, 2008

email dari hougo07



ini email dari teman kita hougo07:

just want to let everybody knows that we are okay.  We still don't have electricity and water in the house, so we are currently at a friend's house to take shower and type this emails. 
My phone keeps running out of battery because it's old and when I tried to make calls a couple of times, I couldn't do it.  We are hopping the electricity at least comes back pretty soon, especially since we are so closed to downtown.  However, the electric company said, that some people might not have electricity for 2 - 4 weeks. 
Nothing got damaged in the house...good thing.

By the way, IAH (Houston International Airport) got extensive damage, also!

Anyway, we'll let you know more in a couple of days of our situation.

Be safe and take care,

Gan & Daniel

Semoga segera bisa online lagi ya hougo!


  1. Bukan hugo boss kan?

    Moga hougo cpt bs online lg..

  2. mudah2an besok (1 hari setelah hari ini) OL. demi neng kan? :)) (never forget it!)

  3. Tak kira semua kebutuhan serba didapatkan mudah di AMrik he he he

  4. lho ono opo kok oglangan? kalah wong ndeso rek :D

  5. Terjemahan ke bahasa Indonesianya mana Mas ?

  6. Kalau Munarman baca ini, dia akan langsung: allahu akbar! Terkutuklah kau kafir-kafir amerika tidak diberi listrik, diberi topan badai oleh allah ..bla..bla..bla...
    Untung Munarman masih dipenjara
    ***anti Munarman***

  7. jasa terjemahan: 1 lembar A4 dua spasi, fontase Times New Roman 12 harganya Rp 10.000/lembar.


  8. jannnnnnnnnnnnnn

    gak keselek kolak tah?

  9. hallo semua.....listrik sudah nyambung tadi siang. Memang, namanya Amerika, tapi tetep listrik bisa mati! he..he..he..
    thanks for singo for posting my letter.
    Sekarang semua sudah okay di rumah, cuma ya memang banyak orang yang kehilangan rumah, belon ada listrik, atau kehilangan barang2 berharga. Toko2 masih banyak yang tutup. Sekolahan aja masih banyak yang tutup.
